Monday, May 2, 2011

Our day in pictures

section 1 coming down the road

 Section 2

 section 2 side-on

Then as it comes down the slope to our site...

Section 2 (bedrooms, bathroom etc)

Section 1 in position. I adore this photo it gives you the dream of what it may look like when it is finished amongst the gum trees, and the sun drenched verandah!

What a surreal feeling watching our house travel around the streets and finally land on our block on its site.
The weather was beautiful, but an hour ago the heavens opened and we had hail, rain and winds. Fortunately the house should have been tarped by then.
A few tears of joy have been shed!! Alright quite a few.

We will head back out when the wild weather settles and the house should be almost joined. I doubt the stumping will start now though in this weather.

(Sorry about some of the picture quality all 3 cameras died from the numerous pictures being taken so we resorted to phones.)


  1. Congratulations. Such a big first step in your renovation. xx

  2. Oh how cool is's all coming together.

  3. Congratulations!! Very very exciting!! All that hard work and red tape... makes it all worthwhile!
    Hope the weather quickly clears!!

  4. My goodness, this has been the highlight of my day seeing these glorious photos. Your block with all those TREES is giving me goosebumps, let alone that beautiful beautiful house. Better start choosing a name for her- I find Betsy has been much more obliging since I gave her a name. So relieved when the sun shone for you yesterday. Can't wait to see more, Mel:)

  5. Hooray!!!! You are on your way. ;-)

  6. It truly is so exciting. Huge Happy dance!!
