I have very little idea about gardening.
I am a 'learn as you go', 'trial and error', 'jump in with two feet', 'don't look before you leap' kinda gardener. If all else fails throw some worm juice on it - :-)
In our little house we have a small kitchen garden. It has been lovely to potter in, and the kids and I spend a lot of time ladybug and worm searching. I am getting more knowledgable, slightly, but basically we just all love it as a hobby and when it pays dividends we are thrilled!!!
So we have many tomato seedlings (out of season,) some rocket, and quite a few pumpkins. Plus herbs, basil and oregano currently.
So I thought today the kids and are would head off to Bunnings to stock the garden with some Autumn seedlings! What are we adding, hopefully some carrot, leeks (which we love and is great on Sue Dengate's diet more here http://www.fedup.com.au/) strawbeery runners, and spinach.
At least it will keep us busy instead of obsessing about how tiny our house is with 5 people and how we are a perfectly sized house that is in Brisbane in two pieces : )
Have a great weekend!
Happy gardening to you. I am the same about the whole learn as you go thing. If it survives then I plant a few more, if not then it was too fickle to hang around. Keep a look out for a choko vine at the markets- the possums keep eating ours unfortunately but chokos are on the diet and my kids gobble them up now, especially "poko" cake which contains pear and secret concealed choko. I am up late tonight baking octonauts cupcakes and have to cobble together a GUP A for the birthday party tomorrow.... or was it the GUP C?