Sunday, April 3, 2011

Our weekend purchases...

Our weekend purchases..

It felt like we traipsed across Queensland collecting bargains I had purchased on ebay or gumtree, although mainly we just traipsed around Brisbane.

We have a new 'secondhand' couch.

It was a bargain and looks like new, but with a eeny price tag of $450.

A meatsfae, a buffet, and some cupboards were also collected. Pictures will come as we get ready to refinish them. Oh and our bath and basins.

The most exciting bit, apart from seeing family and friends that we miss and love....

was our trip to IKEA!!!

It has been at least 2 years since we have made the journey, and this impromptu visit had high yields.

5 new light fittings,

 3 will go over the dining table - these are cheap lights but should give the look we want, and the opportunity to change the lampshade out at a lighter time.

and 2 for the childrens rooms.

The kitchen tap

Plus more kitchen fittings


  1. Goodness you have been busy! I LOVE Ikea too. Could do a whole post extolling the virtues of that wondrous place. In fact we own 3 white expedit bookcases, a desk and a shoe cupboard amid heaps of other bits and bobs.Doesn't furniture shopping just work as a great distraction from the fact that house stuff is creeping along at a snails pace? The lounge looks great by the way- very kid friendly colour. Next time you are down this way we should have a coffee!Mel.

  2. I went to Ikea last week and bought up a storm. I live about 45 minutes from the store but never get there as regularly as I would like. On last week's visit I did spot some more purchases that I would like to make so will have to get back there again soon! Ange

  3. Yep it is easy to spend a lot of money at Ikea!
    Mel I'd love to do that our quirky kids could meet each other too.
